

Mar 09

Psychostick – Two Ton Paperweight

Psychostick - Two Ton Paperweight

I made a PMV [photo music video] for the Psychostick song Two Ton Paperweight. It’s not synched up SO well, but the photos work on the lyrics they’re placed for. Please Enjoy! *Lyrics* My car is a PIECE OF SHIT! I wanna drive you off a cliff Watch you crash into a ravine For the things you did to me, you… STUPID CAR! I wanna make myself a pipe bomb Blow yer damn engine back to hell Where I know you’re from. Piece of CRAP! You aren’t even worth the tow To a junkyard or a place Where you’d sit and lay to waste, I… WISH YOU’D DIE! Oh nevermind, you always do. Could you tell me how much longer it will be Until I’m rid of you? I wish that you’d just get hit by lightning (or something) My confidence in you is sold with every part I buy I guess I’m just a sucker with a lemon So pucker up and kiss another paycheck goodbye! You leak more than a newborn baby I change you oil all the time but STILL you need some more Your fluid puddles come in assorted colors Such wonderous variety of problems galore Will there be a time When I know I can drive Without my car breaking down? And will I ever see It start consistently Without the pain and the suffering My car is a PIECE OF SHIT! I ought to give you a swift kick In the muffler, in the tire Or where ever I desire you… STUPID CAR! You never get me very far when You decide driving to the store is a mortal sin PIECE OF CRAP! I guess you want a piece of me Since you’re leaving all your pieces In the middle of the street You heap of
Video Rating: 4 / 5

One of the most awesomest songs by one of the most awesomest bands–Honestly tho–this video was a pain in the ASS to make–i did this instead of sleep so now i shall take my two hour nap that substitutes for my 8 hours of sleep!! Like all my other videos–questions, comments, video responses and constructive criticisms are alway welcom–just don’t be an asshole–and im ultra serious on this one–i might have to get mean considering all the time and effort spent into this…where for art thou–Sleep?
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. CROWcatalyst

    My 2001 Dodge Dakota fits this song perfectly. fml

  2. ModernGFXDesigner

    My… Car… took an arrow to the knee.

  3. davidiscoolerthanu

    @KrystenJanice they made a disney poop thing about that

  4. rlt34

    if this band made serious music, they would be headlining a tour….no joke

  5. pokeranter56x

    This is officially the best song EVAAR!!

  6. BodudusFatfrilla

    I’ve got a 1991 Ford Ranger… this song fits so perfectly.

  7. movieboy6


  8. BigIzPsyko

    This song is a PIECEOF$H!!!!T

  9. JanetLynnMontero

    I dedicate this song to my VW Polo… piece of crap!

  10. Tehevilcat1

    Why I love Psychostick:
    They have great music and silly lyrics.

  11. xmaryHXCx

    This song is so good… its making me angry….

  12. lisastieghorst20

    I could only listen to it once cause i feared it would push me to go after my truck with a baseball bat.

  13. Nerohearts

    @KrystenJanice Did you know there’s actually a video of Hades while this song is playing on Youtube?? xD Search for “Random disney crap 4”. (unless you haven’t seen it :P)

  14. MrJlc143

    Just spent the last of my savings on a car a couple weeks ago only to find out today that the frame has more holes than a piece of swiss. This song makes me feel SO much better!

  15. GuardianZola123

    180 likes, 4 dislikes = 180 people going to heaven, 4 people burning eternally in hell

  16. MsKiller555

    my. T.V. is. a. PIECE OF SHIT!!

  17. halfNERD17

    dude, i just saw them live, and they started to sing “push it” and then they’re like
    push what?
    oh push that shitty car of yours.
    oh yeah
    my car is a PIECE OF SHIT

  18. lol2424242424

    This is exactly how I fell about my god damn PEICE OF F*CKING BULL SHIT OF A CAR!!!!!! WHERES MY SLUDGE HAMMER!?!?!?

  19. nethanbabes

    Why do i like this song so much? Its so violent.

  20. ferdin12

    Atleast you people have cars…

  21. blackshrapnel

    I was sold in the first 5 seconds. This song is WIN.

  22. pokemewnic

    my. car. is. a. PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!

  23. thebatgirl97

    @KrystenJanice me too i was watching this disney video and now i LOVE psychosticks songs :DD

  24. lilvamp96

    my parent are getting me a old car…….old….very old….so i’m just gonna blast this song when they are in the car with me lol

  25. HUsoldierNumber14589

    i had a seizure

  26. tdt723

    Damn it, now Im hungry!

  27. Ghost8atGhost8sWorld

    @BleedingVamp perhaps >_o

  28. Zachqwerty1234

    This is sad.. this song actually relates to me..

  29. BleedingVamp

    @Ghost8atGhost8sWorld …will you marry me? O_O

  30. DieKleineRoteKiste

    2:33 cereal killer^^

  31. nickunicorn

    @MrDerpgasm haha

  32. PrinceZuko501

    jesus christ, i’m hungry now.

  33. MrDerpgasm

    wait wait wait wait
    ONLY a 2 hour nap?
    aww man

  34. mischiefkel

    0:00 lets watch it again :)

  35. Ghost8atGhost8sWorld

    let it be known kids Ghost8atGhost8sWorld is a female–so you best keep you sir comments to yourself

  36. TheCreature17

    The picture you used for “suffering” kills me every time. Excellent choice sir.

  37. savethepie

    So how about the stealers? XD

  38. mechaghostman2



  39. mechaghostman2

    This song makes me more hungry when I’m hungry. {:-c

  40. kinkynikk

    It is “I am eating ramen noodles” not “OF eating – – — ” I think… Not sure, I read it on the web, sooo….. not a good sign xD haha

  41. bgainesDM

    This Sandwich made me hungry!

  42. powowranger

    this video just makes me feel soo happy 😀

  43. bissoka

    mayo it’s good for you

  44. MoNeYMiKe111

    lol i hear this song on 89.5 all the time its sooo good, and this video made me soooo hungry so i went to get some chicken wings

  45. ESAPandLyrics

    @choybo1 omg I totally just said that hahahaha xDDD THUMBS UP MAN!!

  46. ESAPandLyrics

    AWESOME!!! You inspired me, @Ghost8atGhost8sWorld. Awesome video.

  47. Thelegogunarmory

    @Ghost8atGhost8sWorld Yeah……. by the way……… my school has 600 kids, or so.

  48. Ghost8atGhost8sWorld

    @Thelegogunarmory wait they showed my video at your assembly? Fucking awesome!

  49. Thelegogunarmory

    Nice! For my school’s “Hunger Relief Project”, they showed this at the end of the assembly and the whole school laughed the whole way through!

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